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Here are some interesting results from Germany published by Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis):

The hashtag #Homeoffice

#Homeoffice has established itself in Germany and is still being used after the Covid-19 pandemic, but on fewer working days. Here are a few results:

👉 44% of employees who work from home worked less often at home than at work in 2023. In 2022 it was 39%, in the coronavirus year 2021 it was 31%.
👉 With a home office share of 23.5% of all employees, Germany was slightly above the EU average of 22.4%.
👉 Large companies with at least 250 employees had the highest proportion of employees working from home at 33.8 %.
👉 Large differences between the sectors: The highest proportion of home office workers was in the IT services sector with 74.7 % of dependent employees. The lowest was in the healthcare sector at 6.4 %.

A graphic showing remote work results
Source: Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis)